Overwhelmed? Leave it to me.

Retainer package

Starts at $1,300 USD

Hire me as your OBM on an ongoing monthly basis. Retainer packages can range from 20 hours to 80 hours per month depending on the level of support that your business needs.

Hiring me on retainer gives you access to my help with: Strategic Planning - Team Management - SOP Creation - Launch Planning & Management - Improving Client Experience - Reviewing and Improving Operations - CRM/PM Tool Setup & Management

This investment starts at $1,300.00 USD per month, and is delivered under a contract of at least 3 months.

  • Having me as your OBM means that I’ll be working IN your business with you. We’ll start with an operations review where we assess your current operations and decide how we’re going to move forward and what we’ll prioritze.

    A retainer package includes my support in whatever area of your business you need.

1:1 Strategic Planning

Our 1 on 1 Strategic Planning Intensive will include a comprehensive operations review and a detailed 90 day plan to move your business forward in an effective way.

This option is perfect for the CEO that is not quite ready to hire an OBM on an ongoing basis, but wants OBM level support to help gain clarity on the exact steps to move forward. ‎ ‎

After your plan is set and ready to go, you will have 4 weeks of support on Slack, to have me in your pocket to help implement your business goals.

This investment is a one time payment of $997.00 USD and includes a discount for any future quarterly planning you may need.

One time fee of $975 USD

    • A 90 minute in depth operations review of your business over zoom.

    • A custom 90 day plan with all necessary action steps to achieve outlined goals.

    • An outline of your annual plan.

    • Custom resources to help you toward your specific business goals.

    • A final 60 minute zoom call to go over deliverables and address any questions.

    • Access to me on Slack for 4 weeks after the plan is delivered to you, to help you implement the necessary changes to your business.